last week was such a long week for me. well, sebenarnya minggu sebelum tu dah busy dah. busy berholiday. hee. geng bandung (plus my little haris) bercuti di cherating. seems like kena tukar nama ni, jadi geng cherating. hehe. the trip has been planned for quite sometime. we left kl for cherating on the 28th of June. the day of dd's birthday! trip ni is just for the sake of nak rehat-rehat and nak makan besar after the hard days at work. yup, we spent most of our time either EATING or pura-pura swimming in the pool. haha. sebenarnya rasa best sangat bila bercuti pada hari weekdays ni. boleh conquer pool to sorang-sorang. gila kuasa.
muka bosan haris dan ahjumma dalam kereta.
on our way to cherating. mesti haris berfikir 'are we there yet?' haha.
on our way to cherating. mesti haris berfikir 'are we there yet?' haha.
we were at cherating for 3 days 2 nights. we also went to Turtle Sanctuary in Cherating. very educational trip i should say cewah. sebenarnya nak tunjuk kat haris sekali tu haris tidur daa. tinggallah dd dan haris di dalam kereta. yang lain pergi tengok penyu.
oh ye, lupa nak mention yang me and dd stayed at Holiday Villa. rosa, on the other hand, stayed in Legend Hotel. padahal hotel nya sebelah-belah je. siap weols pergi mandi kat pool Legend the following day. boleh? ceroboh tempat. lalu pantai je. haha. tapi kami tak mandi laut pun. mandi pool jerrr. pantai kami pergi lepak-lepak je. minum-minum. ambil angin. snap snap gambo. tu je lah keje weols. ate, kata relaxing holiday kan. heh. oh ye, kitorang pergi gak Teluk Cempedak. itupun sebab tak tahu dah nak makan katne dah. motip stress cari tempat makan? soalan yang selalu susah nak bagi jawapan..."nak makan katne?" aihhh...
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MS Seafood Restaurant |
seafood kat cherating ni memang best. sampai shaheizy sam pun makan sana. curlass nak jugak mention nama artis tewww. haha. so here are the list of restaurants that we went to. which includes a kopitiam in Kemaman, where we had our breakfast on the last day of the trip.
- Warung Awang Ikan Bakar, Cherating : sotong goreng adalah super sedap. ikan bakar bolehlah.
- MS Seafood Restaurant. Cherating : sedapnya ikan!!!! melantak kerang bakar kat sini.

- Warung Pok Su Mok Su di Kuantan : sata yang paling sedap pernah rasa!!
- Intan Seafood Restaurant, Cherating Beach : yang ni pergi minum je sambil lepak-lepak di tepian pantai dengan deruan angin yang sepoi-sepoi bahasa.
- Keropok Lekor Cap Kren II, Cherating : lepak petang-petang makan kopok lekor. beli sampai 10 hinggit. habis gak tu. haha.
- Teratak Simple, Kemaman : breakfast kat sini. Nasi dagang loh kan apa lagi. hehe.
- Keropok Lekor Cap Kren II, Cherating : lepak petang-petang makan kopok lekor. beli sampai 10 hinggit. habis gak tu. haha.
- Teratak Simple, Kemaman : breakfast kat sini. Nasi dagang loh kan apa lagi. hehe.
oh ye, i turned 27 on the last day of our trip which was on the 30th of June. trip ni macam celebrate birthday dd and me sekaligus. it's kinda nice to have your birthday outside the town. cewah. tapi dalam seronok-ronok tu, tak sangka rupanya Allah nak mengambil sesuatu dariku. betullahkan orang kata, jangan suka sangat, nanti satgi menangis kemudian hari.
on the 1st of July, my dearly beloved grandmother passed away in the afternoon. i was so thankful that i got back a day before her passing. sempat salam dengan nenek. saw the tears coming out from her eyes when we recited Surah Yasin during her final moments. i was also glad because we were all there during her final moments. she was the only grandmother i had since i have lost another grandmother whom i clearly loved few years back. she was really sick for quite a long time. i was sad, clearly but i still managed to control the tears until when they called for all the relatives to give one last final goodbye to our grandmother. masa tu, Ya Allah, seribu macam rasa yang aku rasa. sebak, sedih, syahdu, airmata dah tak dapat tahan lagi dah. i think that was when i feel like reality checked in. sebab when my cousin who works as nurse checked her pulse, he was quite sure yang nadinya dah takde. but i was still in denial. sebab macam nampak nafas dia turun naik. dalam hati, ada terdetik..."eh, macam masih bernafas je" but i keep it to myself lah kan. masa doktor datang untuk sahkan kematian pun, aku masih kurang perasaan sedih tu. tapi bila nak cium nenek tu lah, tak tertahan dah airmata.
1 comment:
takziah ezang :|
erm motip ingt sume nama restoran? hehe
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