
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


i get asked quite often about what type of guy do i fall for. well, well...lemme see...hmmm what do i look for in a guy ek? one thing's for sure, i am waaayyyy past the age of attracted to those oh-so-good looking guys. masa 17, 18 tahun bolehlah nak go ga-ga over guys macam robert pattinson or taylor lautner tu kan. a 26 year old me would probably prefer someone like aaron aziz. wah tetiba masuk local artist kan. haha. tapi you get what i mean lah kan. personality and maturity are what basically i am more attracted to these days.

i'm at this stage where my facebook wall are mainly full with baby photos. most of my close friends are either having kids, happily married, soon to be married or in a relationship. except yours truly lah kan. hehe. do i feel the pressure to settle down? frankly speaking, no. not really. i mean, there's no denying the fact that there were times where i kinda feel like having someone by my side and longing to have those cute little ones. but i believe that if something is bound to happen, it will happen. at the right time with the right person and for the best reason. 


footnote : Hello December! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn (Review)

so i've watched Breaking Dawn last week. movie yang paling dinanti-nantikan oleh twilighters sekalian alam. kalau ikutkan memang dari segi novel, Breaking Dawn is the best. my fave among the series. bila baca novel dia perghh memang feeling habis. unfortunately, i'm not feeling it from the movie. entahlah. rasa macam kurang umpph lah. maybe because it's part 1 kan. ke sebab scene katil-patah-while-having-sex telah dicut for Malaysian viewer terus tak feel tengok? haha. bukan sebab tu lah hamboi-hamboi. lagipun dah tahu punya, confirm kena cut scene tu. so tak berharap sangat lah part tu. haha.

what i am most disappointed about is the birth scene sebenarnya. rasa macam terlalu simple. dalam buku memanglah cerita detail macam mana venom tu masuk dalam diri Bella bla bla bla. tapi yang movie ni just tetiba tunjuk blood vein macam ala-ala CSI lah pulak. then suddenly scene Rosalie pegang Renesmee and baju Edward berlumuran darah. cam tu je. eh ke cinema yang aku pergi ni je yang potong part-part birth? huhu...

lagi satu. part serigala bercakap sesama mereka. perlu kah?

okay. my favourite part pulak? dah tentu-tentulah scene wedding kan. cliche betul aku ni. sebab apa suka sangat? well, selain dari sweet gilavavi and super gorgeous decoration, it is mainly because dorang tunjukkan flashback scenes from the first movie. heart it a lot. lagi-lagi diorang letak lagu 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth' as the background music when they recite their vows. terus rasa aaahhhhh...swoon.

dari 10 bintang, i give this a movie a 7. mainly because of the wedding scene. not the honeymoon part since i feel like it was a bit exaggerated. lama gila honeymoon tapi main chess je lebih. boleh? i truly feel like it's worth watching lah especially those getting married. boleh tiru decoration macam dalam movie ni. hehe. 

footnote : can't wait for the movie 'The Avengers' to hit theaters! 

facebook's photo tag

frankly speaking, i hate it when people that i barely talk to tagged me on their wedding card photo dalam facebook. i mean, c' you really think that is the only (proper) way to invite people? do you really think that i would look at the card? sudah tentulah tidak. entah-entah glance pun tidak. i know it may sounds harsh but i'm telling it like it is. aku faham. dia nak senang. tag je semua orang kat kad tu. tapi create event kan much better. takdelah menyemak dapat notification. it's a bit irritating when you get notified over some conversation yang not related to you or setakat cakap congrats je. just imagine if dia tag 50 orang kat gambar tu and each one bagi komen 'congrats', tak ke akan dapat 49 notifications? and if dia balas each comments tu, mahunya tak sampai seratus notification? a tad annoying kan.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A'isyah Humaira

presenting ummu's new bundle of joy!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

bapak Qayyum

selamat hari raya aidiladha. hope it's not too late to wish everyone. been busy lately. bukanlah busy changing diaper haris (cewah!) but busy with work, system demo and a whole lot of crap. i was away for a week in Morib. jadi urusetia dan penceramah kursus. kerlasss kau maria sekarang dah jadi penceramah bebas. got another one coming up later at the end of the month in Malacca. next week i will be away for two days sebab ada system installation kat Melaka and another week in Ipoh. pheuwwww...busy month, i know. 

eh berbalik kepada title post. kenapa bapak Qayyum? well, dari dulu lagi i have a list of names for my future child. and since i want to have maximum 4 children - 2 girls and 2 boys (wah wah dahsyat mak jemah ni) dah tentulah ada 2 nama perempuan dan 2 nama lelaki. masa sembang-sembang dengan officemate kat kursus di Morib hari tu kan, tetiba termasuk topik nama anak. aku pun mulalah propa. "ezzan kalau dapat baby boy nak namakan Qayyum. Qalif Qayyum. sedap kan kak?"

akak officemate aku tuh mengangguk sambil tu balas "sedap. tapi kalau tahu bin siapa tu lagi sedap kot. kehkeh!"...amboi3...suka tau bagi statement cepumas gitu. tiba-tiba akak tu sambung..."akak tak sabar nak tengok ezzan kahwin dengan siapa nanti.." aku sengih sambil tu balas.."ala, bukan akak je...ezzan pun tak sabar nak tahu ezzan kahwin dengan siapa.." lepas tu dua-dua bantai gelak. HAHAHAH..

dah lama tu kan kira macam dah masuk topik lain dah tau, tetiba akak tu bersambung.........

"siapalah yang jadi bapak Qayyum tu nanti..."


...i was wondering the same thing kak...