
Friday, August 10, 2012

Holiday in London & Paris for FREE?!

note : advertorial

OMO!! OMO!! Seriously? Like...seriously?? You mean...both cities?!


yes, yes my have a chance to go to London AND Paris.....and it's all for FREEEEEEE!! tak perlu keluarkan duit untuk flight, hotel, makan dan transport kat sana. that is all being taken care of. yang korang perlu keluarkan hanyalah duit untuk shopping saja. sounds like OHSEM kannn...bayangkan pergi Harrods, jalan-jalan kat Oxford Street, jumpa Kate Middleton kat Buckingham Palace (kalau terserempak lah kan...hehe)...and gosh, pergi sightseeing di Eiffel Tower!!! oh Eiffel I'm in LOVE oledi....Disneyland Paris lagi! wahhh ni lagi best ni.

siapa nak ikut?! 
email me and i'll show you how you can be a part of this trip

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