
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

perutusan Aidil Adha

dear friends...

my mother will depart to Mekah to perform Hajj on 29/11 and will be back home in 10/1/09...
(lama tu, tahun depan baru balik..hehe!)
pray for her safe journey, will you....
her departure is on the same day of my convocation day.
some says, pity that your mother cannot be there.
but i don't mind at all.
dari mak aku kena bersesak-sesak nak naik bas nak ke dewan tu, baik dia duduk dirumah.
getting ready to depart kan.
besides, i have my sisters and my dad with me.
and that's more than enough for me.
oh yeah, and of course, i have my dearly friends.
Ki wo tsukete ne, okasan


nurul azida ahmad said...

sy doakan mak ezzan selamat pergi danselamat kembali...kite bile la nk p kn...

Ezzan Yusop said...

ada rezeki n cukup duit nnti, dapat gak kite g... :D