" People are ridiculous. The phrase "talk some common sense into them" clearly isn't working. Time to start smacking sense into people... "

thanks dd for your hospitality. wah konon dah macam iklan MAS je. kehkeh. serius, terima kasih tak terhingga. nanti nak tumpang tidur lah kalau tetiba i kena balik lambat. cewah. anyway, rumah kamu ada bilik kosong kan...nak sewa boleh? ;p
tak sia-sia stop lama gila kat Vincci beli kasut, kalau tak stop beli tadi tentu tak terserempak dengan Siti kan. hihi. cantik dia. sangat peramah ok. Siti suka layan budak-budak. suka je saya tengok. hehe. dia siap melatah bila ada hp depan dia terjatuh. serius comel. Siti tengah buat promosi untuk produk SimplySiti kat JJ Balakong masa ni. So, kira siapa yang beli barang SimplySiti dapat ambil gambar dengan Siti. Ada juga yang minta autograf tapi malangnya dalam handbag saya, takde pulak buku 555 kalau tak boleh bagi Tok Ti sign ye dak.
kata takde duit, jadi takdelah teman beli produk SimplySiti. so memang takkan hado lah gambar saya dengan Siti. gambar yang lain tu tidaklah teman kenal sebenarnya. nak ambil gambar Siti sorang tapi memanjang ada je orang ambil gambar dengan dia, so nak taknak ambil je gambar Siti dengan sesape je lah.
[sticky post]
hmm....i was thinking off making this blog a private one. after consulting with a few people, it might be best to go 'under the radar' cewah! maybe for a temporary. or maybe for permanent, who knows. but anyway, drop me your email ya if you still want to be apart of this blog. it would mean a great deal to me. adios!
Hands over my head thinking 'what else could go wrong?'
Would've stayed in bed, how can a day be so long?
Never believed that things happen for a reason
But how this turned out, you moved all my doubts, oh believe
That for you I'll do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through, led me to you
So I'd do it all over again
For you
I missed the first train, stood out in the rain, all day
Little did I know
When I caught the next train, there you were to sweep me away
Guess that's what I've waited for
Never believed that things happened for a reason
But how this turned out, you moved all my doubts, So believe
That for you I'd do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through, led me to you
So I'd do it all over again
(Ohh) Who ever thought a day gone so wrong, would turn out so lovely?
I'm so glad I found you
Even though the day went so wrong, I wouldn't change a thing (yeah, yeah, oh I'll do it)
I'd do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through, led me to you
So I'd do it all over again (yeah, yeah ohhh)
I'd do it all over again (I'd do it all over, I'd do it all over)
Do it all over again (I'd do it all over for you, for you)
All I went through, led me to you (all I went through, it led me to you)
So I'd do it all over again (over again)
Who ever thought a day gone so wrong, could turn out so lovely? ohh
Who ever thought a day gone so wrong, could turn out so lovely?
when people asked me to do something that was kind of get in the way of the job that you're currently working on, i always find myself saying 'OKAY' instead of 'NO'. the moment i said it, it was like a smack to the head. damn girl, you know you gotta bunch of stuff to get it done, why in the world would you say you're okay with people throwing more tasks at ya?
ish ish ish...*geleng kepala*
wah wah tajuk dah macam entry panas kat redlinda punya blog je kan. haha. saja je linda, aku nak sensasi gitu tiru gaya kau. muahaha. sebenarnya tadi baru berjalan-jalan di mukabuku. lalu terserempak dengan satu page. eh ke group? eh tak ingat lah. anyway, nama page tu 'AKU BENCI PEROSAK PERAMPAS SUAMI DAN TUNANG ORANG'. *jaw dropped* mak aiii tak tahu pun ada wujud group macam ni. siap letak gambar-gambar perempuan yang rosakkan hubungan atau rumahtangga sesetengah pihak. sungguh scary gila. tak boleh bayangkan perasaan kalau muka sendiri jadi bahan cacian dipage itu.
hmmm, ni yang buat saya berfikir limaratuslimapuluh kali ni sebelum nak berpacaran dengan johnny depp ni. walaupun dia tidak berkahwin dan tidak bertunang, tapi dah ada anak kan. kang tak pasal-pasal ada orang letak gambar odah kat page tu. grrr....takutnya! minta dijauhkan...
hah, linda...hari tu kau ada buat entry pasal suka rampas boyfriend orang kan. jaga-jaga cik salmah. gi check muka ada tak kat situ. walaweh haha memain je lah cepat gelak haha. lagipun kes kau boyfriend je kan, yang ni kes suami and tunang orang. siusiusiu...eh tapi adalah group 'aku benci perosak perampas suami, tunang dan kekasih orang'...kuang kuang kuang!
sometimes it sucks being the 'young-one in the group'. i mean whenever i'm saying something or asking others to do something, it's like i'm not being taken seriously. i know that i was never the serious one, not because i can't be serious but i just don't want to be one. i admit that i'm having such a tough time whenever i need to put my serious mask on because i'll turn up laughing in the end but that doesn't mean that people can just messed around with me. i may be smiling and giggling but deep down, i am dead serious especially if it was some serious business. or maybe when people started to chased me up to get the job done. it's really exhausting when i was to blamed whenever the job that i asked others to do was not done. i ended up doing it myself. and my workload increased.
truth is i am the kind of laid-back type of person who likes to have a laugh and enjoy myself. i want to be 'the friend' but at the same time, respect me for who i am. i'm not saying that i want to be an evil-serious person. all i want was to be taken seriously.
hai. saya stress. bukan bukan. bukan nama saya stress. tapi saya sedang stress. stress saya sangat dahsyat. bila stress yang dahsyat dia akan jadi emo. dan bila emo, asyik nak keluar je air mata ni. nak nangis. kalau saya stress memang saya akan rasa nak nangis. tak tahu kenapa. memang dari zaman programming lagi (cewah!) dan selalunya saya akan mendiamkan diri. rasa macam please don't talk to me. tu yang bila orang minta tolong tengokkan pc pun saya stress, rasa nak marah pun ada. padahal orang tu minta tolong saja kan. tapi nak buat macam mana. perasaan marah tu mengatasi segala-galanya. orang bergurau dengan saya pun saya nak kecil hati, terasa hati walaupun senyum di depan tapi dalam hati makan dalam siot padahal selama ini biasa je bergurau-gurau. ish ish hormon hormon.
3rd January. penuh kereta kat luar sekolah-sekolah. aahhhh first day of school. i'd still remembered the first time i went to school. gabra gila. not just masa nak masuk darjah 1. nak masuk form 1 pun nebes kot. masa sekolah rendah my first school was S.R.K Puteri Pandan (2) then masa darjah 3, saya tukar sekolah ke S.R.K St Mary. Sekolah menengah pula masuk BBGS. phewww so memang fahamlah sangat perasaan first day tu.
masa darjah 1 dulu, ingat lagi my parents were with me the whole day. ajar naik bas. ajar nak tunggu kat mana. ajar nak beli buku macam mana. ajar kantin kat mana. ajar macam mana nak ikat rambut. macam-macam ajar lah sampai takde apapun yang kurang diajar. first day masuk kelas rasa macam 'ok, don't panic ezzan, don't panic!' because i tend to panic whenever i need to talk to people for the first time. but i don't think i cried on that first day. wah macho dah dari kecik rupanya. tapi rasanya lah kot. walaupun ramai budak yang nangis bila tengok parents dah takde kat luar kelas, tapi saya tak menangis. cuma panik sebentar bila dorang takde kat luar. tercari-cari tapi tak menangis. huh ego siot.
anyway, selamat bersekolah wahai adik-adikku. have fun in school. school is definitely one of the fun places to be in. trust me on this. once you started working, you'll be wishing that you're still in school. paling koman pun kalau tak siap kerja sekolah, kena diri luar kelas or kutip sampah. ni kalau takmo buat kerja masa bekerja alamatnya kata-kata azimat 'You're Fired' akan kedengaran. they won't expel you from school just because you tak siapkan kerja sekolah kan? ok, itu tak membina langsung. ;p
agaga sangat comel.
agaga cantik bangat deh si Jang Geun Suk ini!
kawaii ney. eh itu bahasa jepun. kawaii dalam bahasa korea apa ek?