
Thursday, March 4, 2010

how to cheat in an exam

caution : please please don't ever try this unless you are sure what you're doing. i'm not encouraging you to do the things here ok. all these are just from my past experiences and also from observing people. you are actually risking your life because if you get caught, you could be suspended. if you don't then congrats to you ;)

bersembang bersama rakan-rakan selama 2 jam amat bagus sekali untuk menjana minda anda ye murid-murid. because that's when all the ideas to update your blog comes in. me and my girlfriends were reminiscences the old times during our campus life. the main point of our discussion is none other than CHEATING IN A TEST! come on! i know ramai kan yang cheat masa exam. ok, i admitted. i did cheat. not once, not twice but gosh, i can't really remembered because it's too many! LOL.

So, here's what you can do in order to cheat kalau rasa macam dah tension sangat baca buku tapi tak masuk otak langsung BUT saya tak galakkan ye sebab nanti tak berkat kan ilmu tu. tengok apa jadi sekarang, saya dah tak ingat sangat apa yang saya belajar dulu. kahkah!


1) one of my friend actually record everything in her handphone and listened to it during the test. this one easier kalau korang pakai tudung. tudung boleh coverkan headphone yang korang pasang kat telinga. she placed her handphone in her pocket. brilliant ke apa tu?! *clap*

2) you need a PARTNER IN CRIME. yes, kawan yang akan bantu bila you pssst pssst dia kat sebelah and tunjuk signal 5 (maksudnya soalan no 5) and dia akan bagi clue dengan mengangkat kertasnya sambil berlakon konon-kononnya nak check jawapan belakang tapi sebenarnya nak bagi anda tengok jawapan dia. sharing is caring! * aww thanks ummu for making it easier for me and saving my a$$ *

3) port kena baekkkk punya. avoid sitting at the front and at the back because that's where the pengawas peperiksaan will be. duduk lane tengah tapi tepi. sisi tepi membolehkan anda melihat seluruh kawasan supaya senang nak berjaga-jaga sekiranya pengawas peperiksaan melalui kawasan sekitar anda.

4) i've seen people hide their notes in the jacket. exam hall selalu sejuk kan. people will put their sweaters on and what you don't know it's that sweater is actually a great accessory to hide your notes because they have pockets and zipper. masa exam konon-konon sejuk so people masukkan tangan kat dalam pocket. dorang pun sebenarnya curi-curi tengok nota dengan memandang bawah nak keluarkan tangan dari poket.

5) this one agak cliche dah sebab i think it's a very well know action - selitkan nota bila korang keluarkan A4 paper masa nak jawab exam tu. usually masa final kan yang dorang akan sediakan answer sheet but during test ke, quiz ke korang yang kena sendiri kan. so apalagi, selalunya people akan selitkan di antara answer sheets tu.

6) there are a few yang tulis kat tangan tapi this one macam tak work sangatlah if you have a sweaty palms. lagipun it's a bit obvious, people from afar can see something on your hands.

7) kalau dalam class yang kecil and everyone were like sitting so near memang senanglah sangat nak pass jawapan. you can wrote it on a small piece of paper. i've seen this actually in my own class. i was involved with it for sure tapi bukanlah pemberi cuma penerima. kahkah!

i think that's all lah kot yang saya tahu dan pernah tengok and pernah buat kuikuikui TAPI TAHUKAH ANDA...sebenarnya kan some of the lecturers tahu yang anda tengah meniru. they're once a student right?

*geez, i'm such a bad role model. but then again, who says i was a role model pun kan. hahaha!


Ken Wooi said...

haha cheating during exams.. the one with handphone sounds cool! =D

The Mannequin said...

i like this! haha. am gonna use these strategies. i know one person who cheats all the time in exams, and she always ends up with 4.0 cgpa every semester. LOL!

nurul azida ahmad said...

rsnye ms blaja dulu, time klas dr nordin or prof azizi ngah tasir kot..die msti tau! hahaha :-p

Ezzan Yusop said...

kenwooi : tu lah, i'm like "where in the world that she came up with this idea??!" i haven't even thought about it. ;)

priscilla stephen : wow!! ada ek yg dpt mcm tu? she must be a genius to cheat and score at the same time! ;p

zida : dr nordin tu mcm konfem tahu kan cuma die malas nk tgur. hehehe!

Anonymous said...

kata budak IT...gunakan ler teknologi yang ada..miahahaha :D

Ezzan Yusop said...

linda : hahaha. tu dah over extreme dah tu. sbb xde org pnh terfikir pn. kehkeh!

Anonymous said...

sampai masa otak mereng n merapu aku menyerang, camtu la jadiknyer..:D

::mE uMmU:: said...

hahaahahahahhahah i still remember dat moment dear...i likeeee...nk plak time final exam kn beb???hakhakhak