
Saturday, April 2, 2011


remember this guy?

it's Henry from Ugly Betty! or his real name would be Christopher Gorham. had a huggeeeeee crush on this guy way back when he was in Jake 2.0. suka woahh cerita Jake 2.0 but sadly it didn't last long! anyway, bukan nak cakap pasal tu. bukan tu yang odah excited sangat. the thing is hari tu i found him on twitter. the real Christopher Gorham. sukanyaaa so saya pun follow lah dia kan. sekali tu koo the next day, he direct message me!!!!!! wahhhhhh!!!!! first time ni artis hollywood (walaupun tak famous sangat kan tapi ada aku kesah haha) bagi message ni. terujanyaaaa walaupun ayat dia hanyalah...

I appreciate the follow. All the best!

tak kesahlah kan. mak tetap suka kembang kuncup dia bagi message tu. heeee....

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