
Friday, September 5, 2008

what goes around, comes around

When I was still studying, I used to complaint a lot when my mom keeps saying how tired she is from work.
I can't understand how can she be tired.
She just sat in front of computer, in an air-conditioning room.
That you called tired?

I keep saying to her

Mak, mak duduk dalam air-cond pun penat ke?
Orang yang belajar ni, berpanas berhujan.
Lagi lah penat...

(Ok, that was a bit exaggerating but still, I really feel a bit tired when studying with all the assignments and the projects)

Well, now I couldn't agree more with her.
Yup, it is tiring.
Even though I, too, just sit in front of my laptop.
My fingers do the working for me.
When I got home, I usually feel like just lay down for a while.
I tend to fell asleep so easily.
So not like me.
I can stay up until 6 in the morning when studying.
But now, I can't even stay up until 2 a.m.
Due to the exhaustion and dried eyes.
My back hurts, my eyes too...
I need to relax.
Escape from the workload. Away from the computer.
For a while...

But the question is, when???

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