
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

birthday wishes (lagi) to Dila

remember when :
- we used to go tuition LK together
- we were being silly in school
- we exchanged poems about friendship
- we wrote letters to each other
- we told each other about our crush
- you wished my birthday on the 30 Aug
(while my birthday is actually on the 30th of JUNE)
- we went chasing after Mek Izat in Bukit Raja
- we went to India together
- we travelled together to Ooty
- we learned to take beautiful pictures together
- we started grew closer in India
(selepas kehilangan berita sementara...hehe!)

:: shaidatul ezzan ::


DilaGhani said...

for once, i tot i lost u [after 2004]..huhuhuhu..tahap malu dah nak menalipon coz tatau ko igt lagi aku ke x? eceh ayat poyos. but then, hail to india!! salah satu aku sayang india coz i got my best bud back!!...sayang banget sama kamu!

Ezzan Yusop said...

lost me inda...tumbuk satg!
malu tepon inda...ape mslah ko?
aku nak lupe? terajang la plak satg...

we had a blast in India rite babe? :)

DilaGhani said...

tuan2 dan puan2.kawan aku sorang ni from the surface mmg hati kering tp dlm dia sgt fragile, she writes good peoms u know.

yup!! kenangan manis kau dan aku~~~lalalala~

Ezzan Yusop said...

aku dah malu ni...merah pipi den...
heheheh! ape mslah ko nk puji2 aku mase birthday ko ni...silap birthday ke aku? hehehehe....