i have betrayed him.
i thought i love him deeply.
but i guess it wasn't deep enough.
i fall for someone else.
i have change side.
goodbye Edward...goodbye the cullens!
Welcome JACOB!!!
HELLO the super-ABSolutely-gorgeous-and-seriously-hawttttttt Wolf pack!!!!

still tak nampak ke-hawt-an mereka?
take a look at this picture below.
oh ye...before that
kepada pembaca bawah 18tahun sila skip gambar di bawah.
18SX ni. hehe!

you see what i mean right? hahah.
the six pack, i mean the WOLF pack. hehe!
i thought i love him deeply.
but i guess it wasn't deep enough.
i fall for someone else.
i have change side.
goodbye Edward...goodbye the cullens!
Welcome JACOB!!!
HELLO the super-ABSolutely-gorgeous-and-seriously-hawttttttt Wolf pack!!!!

still tak nampak ke-hawt-an mereka?
take a look at this picture below.
oh ye...before that
kepada pembaca bawah 18tahun sila skip gambar di bawah.
18SX ni. hehe!

you see what i mean right? hahah.
the six pack, i mean the WOLF pack. hehe!
* haven't watch New Moon though. hehe. like i said in my twitter page...don't know why i'm not really excited about the movie. it's gotten so huge now sometimes it annoys me. i used to go ga-ga over Robert Pattinson before he became this 'celebrity'. every gossip column that i read on the internet, there's always something about his life. i repeat. his life. not his career. yes, he's good looking. but is he gonna stuck with Edward for the rest of his life? please don't hate me for not liking Rob anymore. it's just that i grew tired of it. but i'll still watch New Moon though..soon just for the sake of seeing the wolf pack abs acts.
haha, gatai, but i like!!;p
ros : gatai ke tu namanya...tu namanye miang. hikhikhik!
yo la tu nak tengok acts.. kyahaha..
kak suri : heheheh. tgk abs + tgk acts. smbil menyelam minum air...;) heheh!
kazen zda kate newmoon best,ngk la...
saksikann!! saksikaan!! n here women always says men are pervs when they do the same thing.. di mana keadilaan!! ;p
zida : will watch it tomorrow...hehehe!
kheri : hahahahahahhaah LOL! =)) because men think about something else, x-rated when they did the same thing. =p
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