
Saturday, August 29, 2009

the final goodbye

7 Ramadhan (28 Ogos) - saya berbuka puasa dengan officemates at the office untuk 3 hari berturut-turut. semuanya atas tuntutan kerja. cewah! the last 2 days saya berbuka Yong Tau Fu tapi semalam berbuka McD. wah, dah habis orang kaya lah ni makan McD waktu berbuka! takdelah, saja nak tukar angin lagi-lagi bila tiba-tiba hidung ni macam nak hidu bau french fries yang menggegar jiwa dan raga. walaweh, ayat tak boleh blah! (^_^)v

anyway, buka puasa semalam was the last day we spent with our dearest boss. well, now it's ex-boss i supposed. hmm, macam tak sedap je perkataan ex-boss itu. tak suka dengan title itu. tak dapat beraya dengan cik. tsk tsk! i'm really terrible when it comes to goodbye. especially face-to-face. selalunya the other person will say sorry for eveything yada yada yada and i'll be the one said 'me too!' (macam dengan ayu. ingat tak ayu? aku just say 'aku pun sama' sebab tak retilah nak put in words).

encik lutfi, i know you're reading this (or will be) so here i would like to say a few words (even though it's already mentioned in the cards we gave you)...

thanks a million for everything, for being patience and kind, for being tolerance and understanding towards me and the team. i know sometimes we can be 'hard' to handle. for any wrong doings, for hurting your feelings, for not listening to you, for being stubborn... from the bottom of our hearts, we are extremely sorry! good luck in your new job. hope you find joy and happiness. the office won't be the same without you. we won't be the same without you. it's really a pleasure to work with you even when the going gets tough. believe in yourself like we do. halalkan makan minum kami. ada kenduri ke apa jemputlah kami walaupun mungkin kami akan membingitkan keadaan. selalulah jenguk-jenguk kami disini. kalau ada nampak orang sedang menggaru ke ingatlah tagline "buat apa tu?" nescaya cik akan tersenyum ;p cewah! and last but not least, rajin-rajinkanlah meng-click nuffnang saya, jadilah follower blog ni, ym and komenlah selalu kat facebook. ok ok, sesi promosi diri sudah tamat! hehe.

(warna purple ni sempena cik lutfi punya fave colour. teehee. betul kan cik? ke saya salah dengar hari tu. tak kesahlah, janji rock!)

encik lutfi on his final day at OAS (percuma megat kat belakang) :D
-photo courtesy of Fahmi's blog!-

hmm, i wonder what will the future brings?
will the new boss able to tolerate with us like he did?
or will he be really strict like what me and dd feared?
we shall wait and see.
Que serĂ¡ serĂ¡...


Anonymous said...

aku dh nak nangis dh ni...T_T

uwaaa!!! dh nangis dh pun.T_T

(masa depan en Lutfi xmo nangis plak)

Ezzan Yusop said...

linda : smlm aku tahan je xmo nangis dpn die. huk huk! tapi cam dh sebak dah giler2, cik rr leh lak kaco..ezzan nk nangis tu. muahaha!

ayat terakhir aku pada dia adalah...

"Selamat Hari Raya" (^_^)v

mun-e said...

ala sedihnya bace ayat ezzan. tp kan click gambar en lutfi tu, nak tergelak tengok rambut cacak die yang mcm kena tiup angin.


Ezzan Yusop said...

muni : sedihkan sedihkan...tsk tsk! woo, siap click besarkan gmbar die tu? minat die ek muni...heheheh!

mun-e said...

tidak lah. nak sekodeng ape megat tengah makan tu. HAHAHA.

haish ezzan ni ;p memang jadi tabiat la click gambar tgk besar. tak puas kecik2. tak caye, tanye dd. asal gambar die xleh click je mesti akan di tanya. hahaha

Ezzan Yusop said...

muni : hahahah. skodeng inda! muni minat cik kn kn. hikhik ~ :p
tapi cover line ckp nk tgk megat makan apa....

rosealley said...

que sera seraaaa, whatever will be will be...babai jugak encik lutfi....

Ezzan Yusop said...

ros : wah, terernye buat pantun...hikhik!